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Ad Styles Defined

Story Telling, Informational or Direct Sales Pitch

When it comes to ad writing, there are several main styles to choose from. 

A Story Telling (or Storytelling) ad is one that, like any "once upon a time" story, paints a vivid picture with a story. Depending on the request, the story could be about a fictional character (kind of like Pat the Intern for Nissan), or based on a real user experience or testimonial.

An Informational ad is more fact based - (features, advantages and benefits). 

Finally, a Direct Sales Pitch ad is designed to push a sale/signup/etc now - Here's the product, here's the price, [Buy Now].

The type you choose is based on your goal with the ad. Oftentimes clients select an ad style, but tell us to choose what we think is best if we think a different style would work better.

If you want to unleash our writers, you can also select "Writer to Choose Style" and we will pick a style that we think would best work for your ad.