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  2. Project Brief Templates
  3. Tips for Creative Briefs & Revision Requests

Revision Request Tips

We want you to LOVE your ads, but sometimes we miss the mark...

so if you need a revision here are tips to give feedback that will help our writers ace it!

Once in a while, we write something you weren't expecting, or maybe we just didn't *get* what we were writing for. I know, shocking, right?

We want you AND YOUR CUSTOMER to LOVE your advertising, so... if we messed up, guffed it, or misunderstood your explanation, we've got you! 

If your ad copy isn't quite right, we'll rewrite (or revise) it one time, so you're satisfied with the style, quality, and context of your copy!

For small word changes, or changing a call-to-action button, feel free to tinker away...you own this copy now! If you want us to take another look at it, it's time to request a revision.


  1. Open the email that contained your completed order & tap “Reply”
    (Note: revision requests are accepted for up to 5 days after an ad was delivered, so we recommend reviewing copy as it comes in!)

  2. Tell us why you're not satisfied, and please be specific!
    Helpful feedback: This tone doesn't resonate with my target audience...(and then please help us understand why)
    Unhelpful feedback: My 3 year old could write this better! (But HOW would they do that?! That's the feedback we need!)

  3. Hit the “Send” button and our creative wizards will get to work on it!

Even though our team has done a ton of ads , they’re not mind readers. So, be sure to give the constructive feedback needed to complete your rewrite.